Hey there all you young horn players. My name is Coleman "Hawk" Hawkins, but most people know me as the "Father of the Tenor Saxophone." I have played with many talented musicians and recorded many albums in my time. But I am most famous for my 1939 recording of "Body and Soul." In 1923, I joined the Fletcher Henderson Band, and was influenced by the playing style of Louis Armstrong. In 1933, I toured the continent of Europe for five years with the Jack Hylton Orchestra.

Hawkins' Album Cover

Hawkins' Album Cover
Entitled "The Hawk Flies High," this album was one of my most successful, establishing me as one of the greatest tenor saxophone players of all time.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sources Used

Boland, Jesse. "1920s Music: Jazz was America's Gift to the Musical World." Web. .

Web. .

Waldstein, David. "Coleman Hawkins Biography." Web. .

Whitley, Peggy. "American Cultural History 1920-1929." 1999. Web. .

"America in the 1920s and 1930s." 123HelpMe.com. 10 Mar 2010


"Coleman Hawkins Biography." Solid!. Parabrisas, 2005. Web. .

"Coleman Hawkins Biography." Book Rags. Web. .

“Coleman Hawkins.” 2010. Biography.com. 10 Mar 2010, 05:22


"Coleman Hawkins." New World Encyclopedia. 6 Aug 2009, 23:33 UTC. 13 Mar 2010, 17:40 .

"Coleman 'Hawk' Hawkins (1904-1969)." Web. .

Web. .

"Effects of World War One." Web. .

Henderson, Alex. "Coleman Hawkins, Bill Evans Trio and Gene Ammons." All About Jazz. 1998. Web. .


  1. Hey Coleman. I was just looking over your interview and noticed that you take great pride in your work. This is a similarity that we have. I also noticed that you had the chance to play with many talented musicians. Unlike you I really did not have role models to base my writing off of.

    You are very lucky growing up with so many other talented muscians. Did you know that Benny Goodman was also influenced by Louis Armstrong?

    I've noticed that many African American artists have had trouble with people accepting their work and talent. How has this affected you? You are a great musician. Keep up the good work!

  2. You as well as i began our career at an early age.I cannot imagine how hard it was for you to be an african american musician during this time period. I would love for you to share your experiences with me!!
